Pool Equipment Container with and without Installation

This equipment is available when ordering a pool or a pool kit

Characteristics 112cm x 83cm x 81cm
  • Length:
  • 112 cm
  • Width:
  • 83 cm
  • Height:
  • 81 cm
  • Material:
  • Hard Plastic
  • Installation:
  • Yes
Characteristics 112cm x 83cm x 81cm
  • Length:
  • 112 cm
  • Width:
  • 83 cm
  • Height:
  • 81 cm
  • Material:
  • Hard Plastic
  • Installation:
  • No
Characteristics 147cm x 116cm x 102cm
  • Length:
  • 147 cm
  • Width:
  • 116 cm
  • Height:
  • 102 cm
  • Material:
  • Hard Plastic
  • Installation:
  • Yes
Characteristics 147cm x 116cm x 102cm
  • Length:
  • 147 cm
  • Width:
  • 116 cm
  • Height:
  • 102 cm
  • Material:
  • Hard Plastic
  • Installation:
  • No
Characteristics 157cm x 127cm x 103cm
  • Length:
  • 157 cm
  • Width:
  • 127 cm
  • Height:
  • 103 cm
  • Material:
  • Hard Plastic
  • Installation:
  • Yes
Characteristics 180cm x 129cm x 110cm
  • Length:
  • 157 cm
  • Width:
  • 127 cm
  • Height:
  • 103 cm
  • Material:
  • Hard Plastic
  • Installation:
  • No
1 428[ including 19% VAT ]
1 012[ including 19% VAT ]
1 428[ including 19% VAT ]
1 012[ including 19% VAT ]
1 428[ including 19% VAT ]
1 012[ including 19% VAT ]
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